Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Teams

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated April 5, 2021

Applies to: Microsoft® Teams® Desktop App (Windows)

If you're a Microsoft Teams user, you can save alot of time using your keyboard to access Teams commands. Check out this essential list of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Teams for Windows users (Desktop).


Open Activity – Ctrl + 1

Open Chat – Ctrl + 2

Start a new chat – Ctrl + N

Open Teams – Ctrl + 3

Open Calendar – Ctrl + 4

Open Calls – Ctrl + 5

Open Files – Ctrl + 6

Open Filter – Ctrl + Shift + F

Show keyboard shortcuts – Press Ctrl  +  Period (.)

Show commands – Ctrl + Slash (/)

Open Settings – Ctrl + Comma (,)

Open Help – F1

Close – Esc

Zoom in – Ctrl + Equal Sign (=)

Zoom out – Ctrl + Minus Sign (-)

Meetings and calls

Schedule a meeting – Ctrl + Shift + N

Save/send a meeting request – Ctrl + S

Start audio call – Ctrl + Shift + C

Accept audio call – Ctrl + Shift + S

Start video call – Ctrl + Shift + U

Accept video call – Ctrl + Shift + A

Decline call – Ctrl + Shift + D

Toggle audio (mute/unmute) – Ctrl + Shift + M

Toggle video – Ctrl + Shift + O

Toggle fullscreen – Ctrl + Shift + F

Toggle background blur in video call – Ctrl + Shift + P

Screen sharing

Go to sharing toolbar – Ctrl + Shift + Space

Share your screen – Ctrl + Shift + E

Accept screen share – Ctrl + Shift + A

Reject screen share – Ctrl + Shift + D


Go to compose box – C

Expand compose box – Ctrl + Shift + X

Send (expanded compose box) – Ctrl + Enter

Mark message as important – Ctrl + Shift + X

Attach file – Ctrl + O

Start new line – Shift + Enter

Reply to thread – R

Mark as important – Ctrl + Shift + I


Go to – Ctrl + G

Go to Search – Ctrl  +  E

Go to previous list item – Alt + Up Arrow

Go to next list item – Alt + Down Arrow

Move selected team up – Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow

Move selected team down – Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Go to previous section – Ctrl + Shift + F6

Go to next section – Ctrl + F6

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More resources

10 Microsoft Excel Navigation Shortcuts

14 Microsoft Word Selection Shortcuts

75+ Microsoft Outlook Shortcuts

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Microsoft Teams Keyboard Shortcuts (40+ Shortcuts)
Article Name
Microsoft Teams Keyboard Shortcuts (40+ Shortcuts)
If you're a Microsoft Teams user, you can save alot of time using your keyboard to access Teams commands. Check out this essential list of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Teams for Windows users (Desktop).
Publisher Name
Avantix Learning

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