Try These Excel Shortcuts to Save Time Creating and Formatting Charts

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated September 23, 2020

Applies to: Microsoft® Excel® 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365 (Windows)

If you create a lot of charts in Excel, you're probably looking for shortcuts to speed up creation and formatting. The following are some useful shortcuts you can use with Excel charts.

Recommended article: Excel Data Entry Tricks and Shortcuts Every User Should Know

1. Create a new chart on a new sheet

To create a new chart on a new sheet:

  1. Select the data you want to use to create a chart.
  2. Press F11. Excel creates a chart on a new sheet using the default chart type.

2. Create a new chart on the current sheet

To create a new chart on the current sheet (an embedded chart):

  1. Select the data you want to use to create a chart.
  2. Press Alt + F1. Excel creates a chart on a new sheet using the default chart type.

3. Select and move an embedded chart

To select and move an embedded chart on a worksheet:

  1. Click or Ctrl-click the edge of the chart.
  2. Use right, left, up and down arrow keys to move the chart.

4. Display the Formatting task pane or dialog box

To display the Formatting task pane (2013 and later versions) or dialog box (2010):

  1. Select an item in a chart.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1. A task pane or dialog box appears.

5. Copy formatting from one chart to another

To copy formatting from one embedded chart to another:

  1. Select the chart with the formatting you want to copy by Control-clicking on its edge.
  2. Press Ctrl + C.
  3. Select the chart to which you wish to copy the formatting by Control-clicking on its edge.
  4. Press Ctrl + Alt + V. A dialog box appears.
  5. Click Formats and then click OK.

Below is the Paste Special dialog box that appears:

Microsoft Excel Paste Special dialog box.

To copy formatting from one chart sheet to another:

  1. Select the chart with the formatting you want to copy by clicking just inside the page corner. This is equivalent to select all.
  2. Press Ctrl + C.
  3. Select the chart to which you wish to copy the formatting by clicking just inside the page corner.
  4. Press Ctrl  + Alt + V. A dialog box appears.
  5. Click Formats and then click OK.

Below is the Paste Special dialog box that appears:

Microsoft Excel Paste Special dialog box.

You can save a lot of time formatting by copying and pasting formats between charts.

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5 Awesome Excel Chart Shortcuts
Article Name
5 Awesome Excel Chart Shortcuts
Check out these awesome Excel chart shortcuts. If you create a lot of charts in Excel, you're probably looking for shortcuts to speed up creation and formatting. Here are 5 useful shortcuts you can use with your Excel charts.
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Avantix Learning

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