10 of FileMaker's Most Useful Shortcuts

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated March 18, 2015

Applies to: FileMaker 13, 14, and 15

FileMaker is a great relational database program that has the ability to create multiple layouts to view data in different ways. Here's a list of 10 of the most useful FileMaker keyboard shortcuts. FileMaker has been very consistent in assigning shortcuts between both the Mac operating system (OS) and Windows.

1. Go to Browse Mode

Press Command + B (Mac OS) or Control + B (Windows).

2. Go to Layout Mode

Press Command + L (Mac OS) or Control + L (Windows).

3. Go to Find Mode

Press Command + F (Mac OS) or Control + F (Windows).

4. Go to Preview Mode

Press Command + U (Mac OS) or Control + U (Windows).

5. Select All Objects in Layout Mode

To select all objects (not parts) in Layout Mode, press Command + A (Mac OS) or Control + A (Windows).

6. Display the Manage Database Dialog

To display the Manage Database dialog, press Command + Shift + D (Mac OS) or Control + Shift + D (Windows).

7. Create a New Record, Request or Layout

To create a new record, request or layout (depending on mode), press Command + N (Mac OS) or Control + N (Windows).

8. Delete a Record, Request or Layout

To delete record, request or layout (depending on mode), press Command + E (Mac OS) or Control + E (Windows).

9. Sort Records

To display the Sort dialog in Browse Mode, press Command + S (Mac OS) or Control + S (Windows).

10. Show All Records

To show all records in Browse Mode, press Command + J (Mac OS) or Control + J (Windows).

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Related FileMaker Courses

FileMaker Pro: Introduction

FileMaker Pro: Intermediate

FileMaker Pro: Introduction to Scripting


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