4 Ways to Insert U with an Accent in PowerPoint Presentations

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated October 5, 2024

Applies to: Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2016, 2019, 2021 and 365 (Windows)

You can insert or type u with an accent mark in PowerPoint using built-in tools or keyboard shortcuts (including Alt code shortcuts). The letter u can be inserted with an accent in both upper or lower case. The following are common accented characters that you can insert or type in PowerPoint in upper or lower case: grave (Ù or ù), acute (Ú or ú), circumflex (Û or û) and umlaut (Ü or ü).


In this article, we'll review 4 ways to insert u with an accent in PowerPoint:

  1. Use the Insert Symbol command in the Ribbon
  2. Use an Alt code shortcut by pressing Alt and then typing a number sequence
  3. Use the Windows Character Map
  4. Copy and paste

Note: We are using a US keyboard layout but the strategies and shortcuts apply to English Canada keyboards. Keyboard shortcuts may work differently depending on your keyboard layout / language.

Recommended article: How to Insert or Type an Em Dash in PowerPoint (3 Ways with Shortcuts)

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1. Use Insert Symbol to insert u with an accent mark

To insert u with an accent mark using Insert Symbol in the Ribbon in PowerPoint:

  1. In Normal View or Slide Master View, click in a text box or placeholder where you want to insert the letter u with an accent mark.
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  3. In the Symbols group, click Symbol. A dialog box appears.
  4. Select (normal text) from the Font drop-down menu.
  5. Scroll through the list of symbols until you find the letter with the accent you want and then click it. Letters appear in both upper and lower case.
  6. Click Insert.
  7. Click Close.

The Insert Symbol dialog box appears in PowerPoint as follows (with a u with an accent selected):

Insert Symbol dialog box in PowerPoint to insert u with accent.

2. Use an Alt keyboard shortcut to insert u with an accent mark

You can press the Alt key in combination with numbers on the numeric keypad to insert the letter u with an accent mark.

To insert u with an accent mark in PowerPoint using an Alt code shortcut:

  1. In Normal View or Slide Master View, click in a text box or placeholder where you want to insert the letter u with an accent mark.
  2. Ensure NumLock is on (in the numeric keypad).
  3. Press Alt plus the numbers on the numeric keypad to insert the letter u with the accent you want.

Press the following to insert common accent marks with the letter u in PowerPoint:

  • Alt + 0218 to enter upper case U with an acute accent (Ú)
  • Alt + 0250 to enter lower case u with an acute accent (ú)
  • Alt + 0217 to enter upper case U with a grave accent (Ù)
  • Alt + 0249 to enter lower case u with a grave accent (ù)
  • Alt + 0219 to enter upper case U with a circumflex accent (Û)
  • Alt + 0251 to enter lower case u with a circumflex accent (û)
  • Alt + 0220 to enter upper case U with an umlaut accent (Ü)
  • Alt + 0252 to enter lower case u with an umlaut accent (ü)

If the sequence doesn't work, press the NumLock key on the numeric keypad.

If you don't have a numeric keypad, you may be able to press the Fn key and access the numbers at the top of your keyboard.

3. Use the Windows Character Map to insert u with an accent mark

In Windows, you can also insert characters with accent marks using the Windows Character Map.

Although you can search for the Character Map using the Search box or Search icon in the Windows task bar, it's easiest to access it using a keyboard shortcut if you have Windows 11.

To insert u with an accent mark in PowerPoint using the Character Map in Windows 11:

  1. In Normal View or Slide Master View, click in a text box or placeholder where you want to insert the letter u with an accent mark.
  2. Press the Windows key on your keyboard and the period key (Windows + .). The Character Map appears.
  3. Click Symbols at the top of the dialog box.
  4. Scroll through the list of symbols until you find the letter with the accent you want and then click it. Letters appear in both upper and lower case.
  5. Click Close.

The Windows Character Map appears in Windows 11 as follows (with a u with an accent selected):

Windows map dialog box to insert u with an accent in PowerPoint.

If you are using a different version of Windows, you can search for the Character Map using the Search command in the task bar, find the character, copy it and then paste it into your PowerPoint text box or placeholder. In this case, it's probably easier to use Insert Symbol directly in PowerPoint.

4. Copy and paste to insert u with an accent

To copy and paste an accented character in PowerPoint:

  1. Select any of the accented characters in this article or in another document or presentation by dragging over it.
  2. Press Ctrl + C to copy it.
  3. Open the PowerPoint presentation and click in the text box or placeholder where you want to insert the accented character.
  4. Press Ctrl + V to paste the accented character.

Final thoughts

If you are not typing accents often, the Insert Symbol method is simple and you won't need to remember any shortcuts.

If you are regularly working in another language, you can change your keyboard layout to a different language.

You can create a PowerPoint asset file with the various characters and accents you use and copy and paste them into other presentations as needed. Another option is to add the characters and accents you use frequently to AutoCorrect.

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More resources

How to Insert or Type E with an Accent Mark in PowerPoint

How to Insert or Type O with an Accent Mark in PowerPoint

How to Lock an Image, Shape or Other Object in PowerPoint

How to Fade a Picture or Part of a Picture in PowerPoint (Using a Gradient)

How to Add Animation in PowerPoint (Animate Pictures, Shapes, Text and Other Objects)

Related courses

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Microsoft Word: Intermediate / Advanced


Our instructor-led courses are delivered in virtual classroom format or at our downtown Toronto location at 18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (some in-person classroom courses may also be delivered at an alternate downtown Toronto location). Contact us at info@avantixlearning.ca if you'd like to arrange custom instructor-led virtual classroom or onsite training on a date that's convenient for you.

Copyright 2025 Avantix® Learning

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Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, Microsoft Office and related Microsoft applications and logos are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in Canada, US and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of the registered owners.

Avantix Learning |18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 1C4 | Contact us at info@avantixlearning.ca

How to Insert or Type U with an Accent Mark in PowerPoint (Ù, Ú, Û, Ü, ù, ú, û, or ü)
Article Name
How to Insert or Type U with an Accent Mark in PowerPoint (Ù, Ú, Û, Ü, ù, ú, û, or ü)
You can insert or type u with an accent mark in PowerPoint using built-in tools or keyboard shortcuts (including Alt code shortcuts). The letter u can be inserted with an accent in both upper or lower case. The following are common accented characters that you can insert or type in PowerPoint in upper or lower case: grave (Ù or ù), acute (Ú or ú), circumflex (Û or û) and umlaut (Ü or ü).
Publisher Name
Avantix Learning

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