Microsoft Word: eBook Design, Publishing and Distribution

Microsoft Word Training Series | Level 3

Course Details

Duration: 2 days (9 am – 4 pm)

Microsoft® Word® Versions: 2013 | 2016 | 2019 | 2021 | 365 (Windows)

Delivery Methods (Instructor-led): Live classroom (In-person) | Virtual classroom

Course Dates: Check back soon for new dates | View schedule Course schedule

Course Fee: $495 CAD per person (Virtual classroom), $545 CAD per person (Bring your own device for live classroom courses) or $595 CAD per person + HST (Avantix Learning provides device for live classroom courses)*

Timing: Public scheduled courses run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (Eastern Time).

Virtual classroom courses: Our instructor-led virtual classroom courses are delivered in a virtual classroom environment. Students will be sent a virtual classroom invitation prior to the course.

In-person classroom courses: Our instructor-led, live classroom (in-person) courses are held in downtown Toronto at 18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Some courses are also held at an alternate downtown Toronto location.

Custom training: This course may be delivered at your site or ours as an instructor-led or virtual classroom solution. Contact us at for more information including savings for custom group training.

Register for this training course.

Course Overview

The world of eBooks (electronic books) is exploding with millions of eBooks being published and distributed worldwide every year. Learn to design documents in Microsoft Word and then create eBooks in different formats including PDF, EPUB, AZW and MOBI for distribution on eReaders, mobile phones, laptops, tablets or desktop computers. In this hands-on course, you will learn best practices to create eBooks for publication and distribution. Throughout the course, the instructor will include numerous tips, tricks and shortcuts.

Prerequisite: Microsoft Word Intermediate / Advanced or Microsoft Word: Styles, Templates and Tables of Contents or equivalent knowledge and skills.

Custom training: This course may be delivered at your site or ours as an instructor-led or virtual classroom solution. Contact us at for more information including savings for custom group training.

Related training: View all Microsoft Word courses >


  • Comprehensive course manual
  • Keyboard shortcuts quick reference
  • Sample and exercise files
  • Refreshments (for classes conducted in Avantix Learning classrooms)
  • Follow-up email support

Course Topics


  • Definition of an eBook
  • Different formats including PDF (portable document format), EPUB (electronic publication), MOBI and AZW (format used by Amazon's Kindle)
  • Workflow from Microsoft Word to eBook
  • EPUB versions
  • Standard components of an eBook

Choosing Fonts, Sizes and Colours

  • Recommended fonts and sizes for body text
  • Recommendations regarding colour

Preparing the Microsoft Word File

  • Document settings and metadata
  • Specifying a language
  • Recommended page size and margins
  • Formatting the document appropriately using different types of styles
  • Removing problem formatting
  • Recommended line spacing
  • What to exclude in the Word file
  • Creating a table of contents for navigation
  • Issues with tables of contents
  • Including chapter breaks and numbering
  • Separating chapters, sections and paragraphs appropriately
  • Issues with hyperlinks

Working with Images

  • Overview of working with graphics
  • Anchoring images as in-line
  • Adding alternative text for accessibility
  • Converting vector graphics
  • Issues with colour

Generating EPUB documents

  • Review of EPUB formats
  • Features of EPUB version 2 and 3
  • What to include in the Word file
  • Proofing an EPUB file
  • Overview of HTML in EPUB documents
  • Overview of CSS in EPUB documents

Exporting from Word

  • Final steps before saving the Word file
  • Exporting for use in EPUB or MOBI by saving as HTML
  • Installing and using a third party program to edit the EPUB document
  • Previewing EPUBs
  • Specifying book numbering

Editing EPUB files

  • Adding files in an EPUB editor or management system
  • Including key components in an EPUB document
  • Creating and editing tables of contents
  • Adding chapter and page breaks
  • Including formatting specifications for other eReaders such as Kindle and Apple
  • Building in accessibility features


  • Ereaders that support EPUB formats
  • Obtaining an ISBN (International Standard Book Number)

Converting Word to PDF

  • Saving a document as a PDF (Portable Document Format) natively
  • Specifying options during the saving/export process
  • Ensuring the final output includes tags

Programs for Editing PDF files

  • Review of low-cost programs for editing PDF files as an alternative to Adobe Acrobat Pro

Editing the PDF file in Acrobat Pro and Other PDF Editing Programs

  • Viewing tags
  • Checking reading order
  • Adding and editing tags
  • Specifying the document language
  • Editing reading order
  • Adding alternate text to graphic elements
  • Running the "Full Check" feature

Our instructor-led courses are delivered in virtual classroom format or at our downtown Toronto location at 18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (some in-person classroom courses may also be delivered at an alternate downtown Toronto location). Contact us at if you'd like to arrange custom instructor-led virtual classroom or onsite training on a date that's convenient for you.

Copyright 2025 Avantix® Learning

Woman typing on laptop.

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You can insert or type u with an accent mark in PowerPoint using built-in tools or keyboard shortcuts (including Alt code shortcuts). The letter u can be inserted with an accent in both upper or lower case. The following are common accented characters that you can insert or type in PowerPoint in upper or lower case: grave (Ù or ù), acute (Ú or ú), circumflex (Û or û) and umlaut (Ü or ü).

Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, Microsoft Office and related Microsoft applications and logos are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in Canada, US and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of the registered owners.

Avantix Learning |18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 1C4 | Contact us at

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Microsoft Word: eBook Design, Publishing and Distribution
Avantix Learning, 18 King Street East, Suite 1400,Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
Next course starts
November 30, 2017
Next course ends
December 1, 2017

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