Microsoft Word 2013 Version Overview

If you're considering upgrading to another version of Microsoft Word before attending a training course or arranging custom training, check out this list of some of the new features in Word 2013.

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Microsoft Word 2013 New Features

Applies to: Microsoft Word 2013 for Windows

The following are some of the key new features available in Microsoft Word 2013.

New Look and Feel

Word 2013 features a new look and feel. The mouse movements have an animated feel and the Ribbon tabs appear in capital letters.

Word Remembers Where You Were

If you reopen a document, Word will return you to your last location even if you reopen an online document or use a different computer.

Enhanced Theme Options

There are new theme options or variations in Word 2013. Click on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon and you'll be able to choose between different themes and variations.

Open and Edit PDFs in Word

You can now open and edit PDF (Portable Document Format) files in Microsoft Word.

Online Collaboration

Microsoft's cloud storage, SkyDrive, is now OneDrive and SkyDrive Pro is now OneDrive for Business.

You can now save and share files in the cloud. You can share documents using Sharepoint or OneDrive. You can then access and share your Word documents with others and work on the same file with other users.

Insert Online Pictures and Video

You can add online videos directly to your documents and users can watch them in Word. You can also add pictures from online sources without having to save them first to your computer.

Live Layout and Alignment Guides

You will now get a live preview as you resize and move photos and shapes in your document. The new alignment guides make it easy to line up charts, images and drawing objects.

Object Formatting

Object formatting has changed in Word 2013. A new formatting task pane can be used to format fills and lines settings.

Collapse and Expands Parts of Your Document

You can now collapse or expand parts of a document by clicking or tapping. You can place summaries in headings and readers can then open the summary and read the rest of the section if they want.

New Revision View

A new revision view called Simple Markup provides a simple view of your document but you still see indicators where tracked changes have been made.

New Reading View

The new Reading View displays easy-to-read columns on the screen. Editing tools are removed to minimize distractions but you still have access to the certain tools such as Define, Translate, and Search on Web.

Object Zoom

If you double-click with your mouse or double-tap with your finger on tables, charts and images, Word will zoom in on those objects. You can then tap or click again outside the object to zoom out.

Reply to Comments

Comments now have a reply button. You can now easily track comments next to the relevant text and mark comments as done. If a comment is marked as done, it will be greyed out but the conversation will still be available if you need to review it later.


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14 Timesaving Microsoft Word Selection Shortcuts

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